Mitt Romney, Liberal Icon - Readers' Comments -
Well, we all know that only undesirables come down with communicable diseases such as TB, we know that antibiotic resistance is a myth spread by elitists who claim to be 'scientists' who 'know things' (while really just giving us plain folks the high hat), that vaccines are a conspiracy to give Real Americans brain damage. So why would we care about health care for all Americans (most of whom are not of the Real American variety anyway--you know who you are).
Thursday, March 18, 2010
After 3 Suspected Suicides, Cornell Reaches Out - Readers' Comments -
From the Department of Heartless Uncaring Bastards. I especially like comment #72, as its author claims to be a psychiatrist, while demonstrating almost as much compassion as his 'colleague' who went on a killing spree on an army base. I especially like his joke about how you have to 'want to change, like a light bulb'; that must be hilarious to the parents of dead kids. And he concludes with, 'we're here for you...' evidently completely ignorant of several posters WHO COULD NOT GET COUNSELING AT CORNELL OR ANYWHERE ELSE, largely due to insurance/financial issues. Well, I think we can all see what a credential means today. NOTHING.
Dead Rodent TypingAfter 3 Suspected Suicides, Cornell Reaches Out - Readers' Comments - "There's an old joke in psychiatry: How many shrinks does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: None--the light bulb has to want to change. Brutal? In poor taste? Not really. The reality is that the offer of help is only as effective as your willingness and ability to take or consider that you might need help to begin with. We're here, but you need to take our hand and hang on--and trust that we won't let go."
Dead Rodent TypingAfter 3 Suspected Suicides, Cornell Reaches Out - Readers' Comments - "There's an old joke in psychiatry: How many shrinks does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: None--the light bulb has to want to change. Brutal? In poor taste? Not really. The reality is that the offer of help is only as effective as your willingness and ability to take or consider that you might need help to begin with. We're here, but you need to take our hand and hang on--and trust that we won't let go."
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Latest WTF At
href="">Rielle Hunter and the God Within - Ross Douthat Blog - Yes, of course, there is one central authority on Earth to whom we should submit. And if we can't agree on whom that person is, be it the pope, Glenn Beck, or William Shatner, then let's have a war. That should decide things once and for all and then we just forget this whole silly business about which religion is the correct one. (Hey, this blog has as many readers as mine--that makes me feel a bit better.)
Dead Rodent"
href="">Rielle Hunter and the God Within - Ross Douthat Blog - Yes, of course, there is one central authority on Earth to whom we should submit. And if we can't agree on whom that person is, be it the pope, Glenn Beck, or William Shatner, then let's have a war. That should decide things once and for all and then we just forget this whole silly business about which religion is the correct one. (Hey, this blog has as many readers as mine--that makes me feel a bit better.)
Dead Rodent"
IP MAN: More Righteous Ass-Kicking From Hong Kong
Highly recommended.
As usual, a quiet family man (Ip Man, played by Donny Yen) who loves the simple pleasures of friendly punch-ups with the neighborhood goons and ignoring his family just can't be left alone, especially when the Japanese Army decides to improve China by blowing it to hell and turning its denizens into slavizens. This includes holding kung-fu matches where the winner is paid with rice (minus his dignity, of course). Eventually, the wicked invaders get their comeuppance, of course, all in due time, although the avoiding one's family is becomes much harder when one is forced to live in squalor. I guess you can't have it all.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Kathryn Bigelow - How Oscar Found Ms. Right -
Kathryn Bigelow - How Oscar Found Ms. Right -
As predictable as the coming of Autumn, the finding of yet another
antibiotic-resistant bacterium or a pronouncement that America is drowning
in a sea of debt that makes us all envy the lantern-fish, Katheryn
Bigelow's win of "Best Movie" and "Best Director" was immediately trounced
by The Oppressed Enemies Of The Patriarchy.
Evil endures, apparently because some had the gall to think a movie that
faces reality squarely in the eye, and manages to speak truths about war,
death and suffering, is foolishly believed to be superior to Nora Ephron's
latest polished turd (as I recall, something about how a woman empowers
herself by cooking--now *that's* novel!).
Zellwegger's in danger?
With spoilers (you have been warned).
Finally finished watching it. I actually rather liked it--entertaining if you go in with zero expectations. Interesting to see a 10 year old girl out-act everyone else in the movie, except for Ian McShane (and the 'creepy parents'). The kid in the movie did a great job of being creepy yet adorable and seems to be the only one in the film with interesting dialogue; McShane is great in a minor role. Overall, seems like a lot of lost potential--just could have been a much better film with a little effort or risk.
The worst bit is, the ending just kills any horrific mood created. I could not help but think of an MST3K line: 'Zellwegger survived! Surely this is a victory for Good!'*
Frankly, this reminded me of a more recent creepy-kid movie wherein I really end up rooting for Evil. I suppose Freud was right--we do want to kill our parents.
Also, the CGI is over used, and probably would have been better if not used at all.
And other than killing people who are basically unlikeable to begin with, was the girl really so bad--hell, that's a public service. I mean, come on, she's cute as a button! Although I'm not really sure why buttons are cute! Why am I shouting!!?
*see MST3K, "Puma Man" ["Are pumas known for their ability to fly?"]
I guess you can only stomp a joke to death for so long, and then you start to feel hollow and empty inside. It's like when you thought burning that Vietnamese village would be *fun*, but afterwards you just feel icky.
Monday, March 15, 2010
New Study: Video Game Characters Too Distracted To Kill Anyone.
A recent survey of video game characters that by and large, most of them are too preoccupied by slowly undulating female breasts to really want to kill anyone or anything.
Confessed Solid "Old" Snake recently, "Yes, it is true. Haven't killed anyone in years. Fact is, I can't stop looking at that video of Rosemary's breasts going up and down, up and down, up and down...fuck me, have you seen it? I've never heard a word she says, honestly. Why do you think I ran out of gun oil? It wasn't for maintenance. My gun barrel has been scraped raw for chrissakes. Anyone got a light?"
Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - Readers' Comments -
A military dollar that kills no one is a sad dollar indeed.
Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - Readers' Comments -
Contractors Tied to Effort to Track and Kill Militants - Readers' Comments -
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Internet, The CellPhone, And Our Kids: Are They In Mortal Danger?
Will people stop talking to each other because of the Internet, mobile phones, videogames, and porn-on-demand and this new thing known to some as "rock-n-roll"? Game over, call the mortician, and buy the coffin. Humanity is finished, and SMS texting was the last nail. Or was it rap? Or Twitter? Or Facebook?
Driving Miss Saudi - Readers' Comments -
Maureen Dowd: Driving Miss Saudi: Only a few more centuries and the rapist might be sent to prison instead of the victim! Dead Rodent Typing
The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality - Readers' Comments -
The New Rove-Cheney Assault on Reality - Readers' Comments - "deadrodentyping
March 14th, 2010
8:22 am
I'm really confused about the motivations of this crowd. Is it an incredibly cynical move to grab power (by defaming anyone who supports the Bill of Rights), or do they really believe that bombs and torture will make us \'safe\'? Or do they just like to be on TV? Dead Rodent Typing"
March 14th, 2010
8:22 am
I'm really confused about the motivations of this crowd. Is it an incredibly cynical move to grab power (by defaming anyone who supports the Bill of Rights), or do they really believe that bombs and torture will make us \'safe\'? Or do they just like to be on TV? Dead Rodent Typing"
Daily Show Recap: "Victory In Iraq"?
Also, closet fascist Mark Thiessen is revealed as a not-so-closet fascist (and a dickhead to boot).
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | Mon - Thurs 11p / 10c | |||
Recap - Week of 3/8/10 | ||||
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Texas Removes Bill Of Rights From Textbooks, Replaced With Picture Of Jesus Holding A Gun
Hey, it's Texas, what did you expect? Recipes for Fascist Fruitcake?
I Smellz A Stalinist
"The Federal Communications Commission is proposing an ambitious 10-year plan that will reimagine the nation’s media and technology priorities by establishing high-speed Internet as the country’s dominant communication network."
I smell Facism AND Stalinism. An FCC that does something besides obsess over which words we can be exposed to? Once again the government is interfering in our lives, just like when they built those stupid hydroelectric dams that no one ever bothers to use. (And don't even get me started on nipples. I saw one in the mirror the other day and I was frankly disgusted.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Not A Conspiracy, Just Good Business
Evidently, for every man whose life is saved by treatment for prostate cancer, 47 are unnececssarily having their privates chopped out or burned out with radiation. Fucking hell. But if you make a test that's slightly better than useless, you can still make money!
(In other news, people not always morally moral.)
Evidently, for every man whose life is saved by treatment for prostate cancer, 47 are unnececssarily having their privates chopped out or burned out with radiation. Fucking hell. But if you make a test that's slightly better than useless, you can still make money!
(In other news, people not always morally moral.)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Readers Talk Back To Maureen Dowd Talking To Them?
Pilgrim Non Grata
And we comment on the commenters commenting on the commentators!
Interesting comments...Maureen Dowd has is a 'bigot' with a 'closed mind' who has 'preconceptions' about Islam...or Christianity...or maybe she's anti-semitic or anti-Israel? Perhaps she's part of a fifth column which wants to impose Far East pantheism on our wonderful monotheistic practices which failed to prevent the rise of Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, World War I, The Holocaust and such. As long as she's not an atheist, I suppose. Will the Omnipotent Power allow her to destroy the true religion. He just might, he's pretty moody. (I call him by his true name, SuperDude.) Dead Rodent Typing
And we comment on the commenters commenting on the commentators!
Interesting comments...Maureen Dowd has is a 'bigot' with a 'closed mind' who has 'preconceptions' about Islam...or Christianity...or maybe she's anti-semitic or anti-Israel? Perhaps she's part of a fifth column which wants to impose Far East pantheism on our wonderful monotheistic practices which failed to prevent the rise of Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, World War I, The Holocaust and such. As long as she's not an atheist, I suppose. Will the Omnipotent Power allow her to destroy the true religion. He just might, he's pretty moody. (I call him by his true name, SuperDude.) Dead Rodent Typing
Legislator Was Against Cocks Before He Was For It
Stated the currently suspended legislator very officially statemented, "I was totally against cocks. Now I'm for them. But I'm not because I have to represent my constituents. Which I don't because I'm suspended. But let's just remember that I was always against them, I was against them before I was for them, and I'll always be against them even when I'm for them like in the bathroom of that gay bar I may or may have not been inside. And remember, 2 weeks ago was a different time, a very very different time. In that I hadn't been arrested for drinking and driving after hanging out at a gay bar. And there's nothing hypocritical or duplicitous in any of that."
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?
The British. Why is it that when you ask an English person, "You're not from around here, are you?" they give you a dirty look? Do people think it's easy just sitting around stealing quips from movies? At least appreciate the effort, you limey gits.
You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?
I've had it with these nonconsensual dog-on-dog videos. Na'ry a Greyhound in site. Think about your audience, people. And what's up with the Radio Telegraph? I've got tons of Morse Code porn everywhere and still doing nothing for me.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Too Good To Be True, But It Is
In Which Enlightened College Intern Lowers Herself To Interact With Men
Sometimes, in these very trying days......we might attempt to discern why the main complaint of feminism today (that I hear about anyway) is "for fuck's sake we really need to split housework 50/50!" Scanning the Interwebs and Twitterscapes to discover, why this seemingly odd choice for a Major Issue Of Our Time, I found no answers. However, the Nettubes did manage to cough up this gem of a blithering nonsensical voyage into self-righteousness brought on by a woman determined to buy pepper spray at any cost or affront to her dignity (and yes, damn the torpedoes).
Here's the actual title: Hypothetical Rape Scenarios Don't Sell Pepper Spray. Anyway, enough dithering, let's follow this brave woman as she navigates the dangerous, shark-infested waters and perilous reefs of The Patriarchy.
Sometimes, in these very trying days......we might attempt to discern why the main complaint of feminism today (that I hear about anyway) is "for fuck's sake we really need to split housework 50/50!" Scanning the Interwebs and Twitterscapes to discover, why this seemingly odd choice for a Major Issue Of Our Time, I found no answers. However, the Nettubes did manage to cough up this gem of a blithering nonsensical voyage into self-righteousness brought on by a woman determined to buy pepper spray at any cost or affront to her dignity (and yes, damn the torpedoes).
Here's the actual title: Hypothetical Rape Scenarios Don't Sell Pepper Spray. Anyway, enough dithering, let's follow this brave woman as she navigates the dangerous, shark-infested waters and perilous reefs of The Patriarchy.
In order to intern with NOW, I moved from rural upstate New York into the Maryland/D.C. area....I have struggled as a feminist [don't we all?]
with whether or not I needed to have some form of hand-held self-defense.
Remember that rural dwellers are never raped nor assaulted. Good to know.
I decided to educate myself about different items I could carry for self-protection by shopping at a local Army Navy store....
Best to deploy the Universal Bullshit Translator on this one: "Because, of course, where else in the D.C. area could you educate yourself about self-defense? If only there was some sort of way to obtain information in the year 2010, some sort of centralized repository of information, and then some way to access that repository--wait! The information could be stored in a decentralized fashion, and then accessed electronically with some sort of electronical contraption of some sort! I'll call it: The Remote Telegraph!Ah, just a pipe dream, perhaps by 3010..."
(Wait! It gets better!)
On the store counter the clerk put down different types of pepper spray and stabbing weapons. My friend stated that the stabbing weapon was probably the best option, while the sales clerk deferred to the pepper spray. I then listened in awe as the sales clerk stated that if I (that's right--me!) were being raped by a three hundred-pound man, the stabbing weapon wouldn't be effective, so I should get the pepper spray. Silence.
Now apparently, since there is no possible way to look for information by 'experts', as all libraries have been closed at this point, and the police no longer exist, and the only public safety information we can find nowadays are old bomb shelter direction signs, we have only two choices: Friends, and sales clerks whose job it is is to take money and give back any change and a receipt.
And of course, it's perfectly fine to suggest to a woman buying a self-defense product that she might need it to protect herself against an assailant, in case she were to be assaulted, stabbed, maimed, injured or gut-shot with a 12-gauge--but saying the r-word is going to far. (That's right, Seth McFarlane, it's their word)There's a line here, and we're all supposed to know what it is, whether we've been given a line-map or not. Let's just hope in the future, Army-Navy-Discount-Store Sales-Clerks get their consciousness raised from caring-not-fuck-all to mild-shit-giving-somewhat.
If only there were some way to buy items discreetly, such as some sort of company that sold items from some sort of "catalog" and then you could fill out an "order" and then receive the item in the "mail". Of course, none of those things exist in anymore--perhaps another possible use for my "Remote Telegraph"? Bah, I'm just a dewey-eyed optimist, I reckon.
Having just experienced a "primitive-caveman-protects-woman" experience, I silently walked out of the store with my purchase. I was furious.
We walked back across the street to the car,
If only there was some means to commandeer this horse-less carriage to a Target or WalMart! If such places existed, which they do not!
I asked the clerk who had just helped me if I could talk to him for a second. He complied, and I explained that putting any customer in a hypothetical rape situation should not be a tool used to sell his product. If women are coming in to purchase a weapon for their key ring, chances are it was because they had experienced some form of sexual assault, and it was not his job to trigger fear. I also told him his communication and focus should be on the customer, regardless of their gender. I thanked him for his time and left. I felt better.
Let's put this last bit into the Universal Smugness Translator and see what it spits out: "I was so grateful that he had afforded me this opportunity to not only look down on someone else, and to make me feel better about my place in the world by gently reminding him that he's an uncouth ignorant bastard. And how lucky was it that this experience in male oppression just happened to coincide with my new internship at a pro-feminist organization?"
However, I now had a personal vendetta against my new stabbing weapon. While holding a grudge against a piece of plastic seems silly, I couldn't help it.
"I had nothing better to think about."
It now somehow stood for everything that I wasn't, like I had somehow given in to society's patriarchal paradigm.
Exactly how I feel about the alphabet. Invented by men, most likely--and they use it like all the time. Same reason I don't use Roman numerals.
That fact that I had even gone through with the purchase made me feel guilty.
"Have I lived up to my crackpot ideals?"
I keep it on my key ring sometimes and more often not.
"It only sounds idiotic because it is. Okay?"
In trying to unpack my experience-
"You're probably amazed I can unpack a lunch without having to discuss the patriarchy with my 'sisters'."
I explained what had happened to other NOW interns to get some insight.
"Amazingly, my fellow interns at this intensely political organization validated my world-view."
After seeing the Kubotan in person, one said it looked like her sexual aid
"God knows she needs them, but of course I only that behind her back."
while another stated it could just as easily be used against me as the pepper spray.
"I couldn't have asked them about this before even though I stated that I had sought out their advice in the first paragraph--but hey, Feminism isn't about being consistently logical. It's about whatever we say it's about. We won't succumb to Reason--that would be fucking patriarchical. And we are not your bitches!"
How I choose to protect myself is all about personal empowerment and what makes me feel comfortable and safe.
It's not about what works. Self-defense is more like a really great bath oil.
Eventually I gave the Kubaton weapon away to a friend who felt empowered by having it with them as protection.
"I don't need a masturbation device but some women just aren't pretty enough."
I continue to research a form of protection that empowers me.
We shall all breathe a bit more easily, knowing you're out there fighting the good fight and sticking it to The Man.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
A Brief History Of Cocks.
In medieval times, the word "cock" denoted a male chicken, although it was generally written as "cockye" or "cyucke". Many centuries passed. Finally, the cock was discovered by some anonymous investigator--possibly Charles Darwin, though others maintain it was Charles Dickens or perhaps Queen Victoria. However, as this discovery was never reported, it failed to propagate, and as such the knowledge was lost for many more decades. Then, a breakthrough: Errol Flynn re-discovers the cock (specifically his own). He puts it in innumerable places as well. By 1960, many, many more of these 'cocks' had been discovered, generally by eccentric researchers working with their own money and resources. An elite or aristocracy, one might say, was able to uncover new lines of investigation. The most notable of these early gentlemen investigators is without a doubt John F. Kennedy, who is now known today for being tireless and relentless in his pursuit of more places to put his cock.
However, it was not until President Bill Clinton that the existence of the cock, as such, became public knowledge. And now, today, we see cocks are everywhere, and recognize their place in history as well, from man's man Socrates to William Jennings Bryan and Christopher Columbus, from Roman Polanski to Tiger Woods, we now now that cocks have been influential throughout the ascent (giggity) of man. So it is today that the cock can rest in peace, knowing that at long last, it has attained the recognition it so richly deserves.
For more reading on cocks, please visit your local public library, or go to, or just turn on the TV anytime of day or night on any cable news channel.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets -
Darwin Foes Add Warming to Targets - "The Rev. Jim Ball, senior director for climate programs at the Evangelical Environmental Network, a group with members who accept the science of global warming, said that many of the deniers feel that “it is hubris to think that human beings could disrupt something that God created.
“This group already feels like scientists are attacking their faith and calling them idiots,” he said, “so they are likely to be skeptical” about global warming."
“This group already feels like scientists are attacking their faith and calling them idiots,” he said, “so they are likely to be skeptical” about global warming."
Monday, March 1, 2010
NRA Supports Iraqi Freedom!
Yes, bombs and guns totally defeated the evil occupiers in Iraq which is why it is now a free, open democracy! Go gun freedom and guns for all!
Tea Party Nation Releases "Black Presidential Assassination" For Xbox360.
The so-called Tea Party protesters released the first Tea Party Movement action-adventure video game today, "Dead Black Presidents". According to a press release, the game is designed to introduce the entire mind-set of the Tea Party Movement to the uninitiated by promoting "American values, Liberty, Freedom, and shooting any president who isn't white."
Initially, the player begins in his virtual home with his family, watching repeats of America's Funniest Home Videos, and suddenly a team of IRS agents breaks down the door and lays down teargas, confiscates all of your belongings simply because you neglected to pay income tax for 20 years, and then have their way with your teen daughters while forcing your wife to make sandwiches and serve coffee. This really puts a damper on the evening--especially since they take the TV with them when they leave.
The first 'chapter' ends when you successfully parachute out of a C4-laden Cessna just before it collides into a federal building, giving those bureaucrats what they no doubt deserve for showing up to work that day.
Along the way, paper money is replaced with gold bars, giant wheels of cheese and bars of sea salt, abortion is still legal but all of the doctors have been shot, and vaccines are replaced with herbal remedies which include rhinoceros horn and tiger penises.
Without giving too much away, to win the player needs to successfully install himself in the White House and reverse every constitutional amendment since 1859--needless to say, many abortion clinics are bombed along the way.
It is also reported that a Wii-Fit version of the game is due out for Christmas 2011. "The Revolution cannot be fat," commented one protester.
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