From what I remember of War & Peace (I probably slept through most of the book), they mostly end up living relatively bland lives, except for the crazy guy who wants to live like a peasant or something--I assume this was based on Tolstoy himself. Personally I can't imagine too many conservative commentators feel any need to pick lettuce for a season to broaden their horizons, or pack tomatoes. It makes me want to say, " If farming is so great, why don't you buy one, you stupid hypocritical fuckwits? If physical labor is so wonderful, why are you sitting on your flabby ass writing about it? No one is stopping you from giving up your elitist existence of criticizing elitists--if you want to be knee deep in pig shit, go ahead--it's a free country." I suspect manual labor is to most conservatives pundits as their war service is: A great honor and privilege which they feel no need nor desire to experience. Shitheads.
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