Saturday, February 27, 2010
Transcript From The White Men Who Rule The World
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Time-Traveling Haircut From 1979 Warns Congress About Defective Toyota Parts
Haircut Assumes Control Of Human To Testify Before Congressional SubCommittee On Time Travel & Automotive Safety
Monday, February 22, 2010
An Open Letter To NPR
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Congress Subpeonas Tiger Woods' Cock.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
We Must Attach A Camera To Tiger Woods' Cock, America.
Our Great Nation is in a crisis: We do not know enough about Tiger Woods' cock. Where has it been? What has it done? Why did it do what it did? And just as importantly: How?
Until America has the answers to these questions, we cannot rest, we cannot relax, we cannot regurgitate, we cannot perform any other activities which begin with the letter 'r'.
Imagine if we had simply ignored Watergate? Nixon would never have been re-elected. Therefore we must struggle on, turning over evey dark stone and revealing the horrid putridness beneath it to the cleansing light above. And the best way to do this is to put a camera on the cock.
(Preferably a streaming web cam, so the entire world can see exactly where a black man's cock is at all times. No, that's not gay at all, it's perfectly reasonable and it's justice. How will our white women be safe from black cocks otherwise?)
Thank You, National Public Radio
Friday, February 19, 2010
News Alert! Someone Takes Picture Of Bono
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Dubai Welcomes "Hamas iPhone Conference"
Hey there all you Hamas knuckleheads! Yes, you want to behead anyone with a Torah (preferably on video)--but do you know how to use 3G wireless to boost sales? The smartphone is the next wave in 21st century marketing. Forget about bootleg DVDs. Remember: Your audience wants their martyrdom videos--and they want them now. The 'cloud' is the future!
(God is great.)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
How Christian Were the Founders? - Readers' Comments -
Reading Between the Sheets - Readers' Comments -
Texas Scientists Produce Creationist Computer
In what is no doubt a first in the field of artificial intelligence, scientists at the University of Texas in Houston have managed to create the world's first computer that believes in creationism. The computer, CODY9000, can answer any question with the phrase "Jesus did it," is convinced of that life is a "miracle", and constantly cites Deuteronomy in every social interaction. Commented lab tech James Han, "Yeah, it's a real pain--you can't use Excel without it asking, 'Did you know that God is cool?' I think they're going to buy a Hewlett-Packard next week and donate CODY to a Sunday school."
Palin’s Cunning Sleight of Hand - Readers' Comments -
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Watching China Run
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
SCIENCE: Is There A Future For Manned Prostitution?
First Known Photo Of Robot Molesation
There is no case, I repeat no case, for spending valuable U.S. taxpayer dollars on manned prostitution. Every year, the amount of data we can gather through unmanned visits increases as the costs decrease; in the meantime, the risks of manned expeditions increase exponentially, even as costs rise. Risk estimates are frequently misleading, and followed by years of costly overruns due to unexpected expenses. If you think it's amusing to be named in a paternity suit or be told that you have an 'exotic' variant of Gonorrhea, I can assure--as can millions of other Americans--that it is neither amusing nor inexpensive. Laugh if you will, but remember this: We are putting the lives of Americans in danger--is that, sir, a laughing matter? I submit to you that it is not. And when unmanned emissions are becoming more and more practical and economical, we must put all due effort into furthering this effort. And that's the way it is, America.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Doctor Works To Get Young Men Out Of 'Wrong Place' : NPR
Milking True: Jenny Sanford Tells Her Story (Again) (And Again) (And Again And Again And Again And Again...)
Milking True: Or Sucking This Bit In The Spotlight For All The Cash And Power I Can Grab With My Aging Gnarled Claws
That's right, in my book (now for sale at Barnes & Noble for a mere $29.99 and worth every penny I can assure you), I tell you my inspiring tale of how I went from victim (married to a wealthy and powerful man on whose policies I exercised great influence, as well as running his political campaigns) to victory, because apparently a lot of women are sanguine enough to actually believe that. And the reason I'm telling this lurid toilet-paper-stuck-to-your-shoe-trash is certainly not not for my benefit, but for all of the Good Christian Family Loving Conservative White Women Out There Who Are Certain There Husband Is Banging A Hot Latina News Anchor. (This book is not for Hot Latina News Anchors. Got that? Okay, remember that.) This book is for them, so that they will know that someday that if their husband commits adultery, they too might be able to write a book about it and get a microphone shoved in their respective fat faces.
You see, I had no idea my husband was some sort of freaky weirdo who would at some point have a mid-life crisis and start putting his cock inside of some South American harlot! I seriously thought that all he wanted was to have a family, worship God, and make life miserable for unemployed people by denying them benefits. I thought that was the good, kind thoughtful man I married--a freak I could control, not some freak who would get freaky like James Brown.
And I was so hurt and ashamed by this wound that I realized I had to write a book about it, and then go in public and talk about it, and then talk about it again when I run for governor or senator or maybe just get a local FM talk show like maybe in the state capital if nothing else comes up.
The House of Tranquillity - Readers' Comments -
Monday, February 8, 2010
Once Again, Priests Have No Sense Of Humor
Forgot to mention, yet another Catholic official very UN-ironically denouncing gay marriage (this time in Mexico City).
So, hiding rapists who bugger altar boys: Pro-Family.
Hot Latina Lesbians: Anti-Family.
Just imagine all of the children born because of the fantasy of Hot Latina Lesbians (or whatever fantasy girl/girl action ethnicity spins one's wheels).
Did I just steal a Colbert bit?
Sunday, February 7, 2010
President Palin....hmmmmm?
Gazing into our crystal ball into the misty distant future, we can only dream and wonder what beautific visions of Palins Future will bring to us.
Although one might suspect that it could be a lot like this....
President Palin awakens in the morning, and her manservant, the newly divorced and unelectable Mr. McCain, is already awake, dressed in a suit and ready to present Her Majesty with freshly squeezed juice, scrambled eggs (Alaska-style, whatever that is) and bacon. He reads her mail to her as she breaks her fast. Soon she is surrounded by policy advisors telling her what to say today, as Mr. McCain stands silently holding a silver serving tray. Eventually he is dismissed, which gives him enough time to change into a chauffeur's uniform. His duties include driving Her Majesty to book signings and speaking engagements, and also lighting her cigarettes promptly when the tobacco stick is in her fingers. How has he fallen so far, he wonders to himself, still finding it hard to believe that 99% of his 401K went to child support.
On the way to the speech to a group of people who will either be dressed in tri-cornered hats or ceremonial Native American headdress, Mr. McCain must stop and pull over in order to change the diapers of her latest disabled child. And before he can start the car, Her Majesty has spawned yet another wee beastie to present to her adoring public, making Queen Victoria look less fertile than the Gobi Desert. Standing silently behind and below Her Majesty, he awaits until the proper moment to uplift the black egg in front of the roaring crowd, and as it hatchets and skaddles off to invade the thorax of a staff intern, the people cheer: Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin! Palin!
Yes, that sounds like a plausible scenario.
When your blingbling is crapcrap.
No Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something Something
No Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something SomethingNo Beer And No TV Make Home Go Something Something
/* full post */
Friday, February 5, 2010
The Toyota Debacle
If their CEO if forced to commit seppuku on camera, it'll all have been worth it. Preferably, with a bamboo sword.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
A Few Of My Favorite Mobs
by David Brooks
There's nothing more gratifying than seeing a mob of good white chrisitian townsfolk heading down to the voting booth, pitchforks and torches in hand, ready to burn at the slightest command.
Who cares if they're right or wrong? They're white, christian, angry, and old, and the most important thing to them is their government handouts that they deserve because the government stole it from them in the first place. Yes, these are the people who will band together to solve the problems of pollution, unemployment, and fiscal irresponsibility--listen to their cry! "Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" Yes, these are the people who will help us solve America's problems and put us back on top.