And still another day without a single mention of Climate Interactive's latest study from National Republican Radio which was on the front page of New york times just yesterday, while playing chin music from the usual suspects about the big bad deficit which is going to kill us all, even as our planet continues to plunge headlong into catastrophe. But please, give airtime to and about trumpy--after all, unlike the rest of the GOP, he's not just 100% full of it, he's 1 million % full of it--he's a neutron star in a crock bucket--so of course attention must be paid, while continuing the media shut out of Bernie Sanders' campaign. But please, another Berghdazibola-server-gate story, it's clearly about all you right-wing hacks (mostly) at NPR can do. How dare you people pretend to serve the public interest. you're either disingenuous dissemblers or cowards posing as journalists. At least a president trump would put an end to this useless charade called 'NPR'. No, I take that back:NPR employees would knock each other over in a mad rush to serve as his propagandist-in-chief, while no doubt denouncing colleagues who stepped out of line (the latter suddenly disappearing, then reappearing in Gitmo Orange (it's the new autumn color for 2016 if the GOP wins big, cross your fingers NPR, your days of peonage may soon be over, and the lucky winner shall be Peon-in-Charge-of-Other-Peons.)
And still another day without a single mention of Climate Interactive's latest study from National Republican Radio...
Posted by Shaun Gates on Tuesday, September 29, 2015