Sunday, September 27, 2015

the baffling de-synchronization and astonishingly surreal resurrection of charlie kaufman's thesaurus

the baffling de-synchronization and astonishingly surreal resurrection of charlie kaufman's thesaurus

He will amaze you! Astound you! Enter one and all the absurd circus of Charlie Kaufman and [let me check my thesaurus] stare in stupefaction at the depressingly unpleasant funhouse that will be the latest in the line of critically acclaimed dreariness! Doesn't that sound terrific? Cough up $15.00 USD (add in your companion and popcorn with a diet Coke and you've just spent $50.00 bucks to be mildly bemused or severely oppressed  by the imagination of a man whose mind is nearly as delightful as watching the ticking gears of a Swiss watch which has a Punch & Judy show going on inside of it. So if that's your idea of a good time, drop everything and head to the theater.)

I think Kaufman is bizarrely over-rated for reasons I can't begin to fathom. (Note: Pitch this idea to Charley Kaufman as a movie. Should somehow involve Kaufman being in the movie but played by a Kabuki puppet--and who can only communicate in High Elvish. Or maybe Old Saxon. The entire past of the universe is acted out with papier-mâché, and then into the future, which is represented as finger shadows on a map of Mercator projection map of planet earth. As Pangaea reforms eons hence, Kabuki Kaufman realizes he still does not know how to flirt with that waitress at the diner, but she's been dead for eons so he's not even sure why he still cares. Then the sun novas and wipes out all life on the planet. Fade to black. Now sit back and watch the accolades pour in.)

But if you like his movies well okay whatever.


1 comment:

  1. Yes, take THAT, Mr. Kaufman. I don't think you're as great as some people think. How does that make you feel? Dare I say that if feels like biting in to HARD CHEESE, sir? Ha! The stale cheese mocks you by simply existing in your refrigerator!
