fuck you, jon stewart, sweet and slowly, one more time, one last time
by dead rodent typingGood riddance to Jon Stewart. And congratulations. He's made it, and had a long career, and that deserves respect.
Politically, however, he has become completely worthless--a liability, even. Perhaps it's the inevitable result of age and wealth. You can have one or the other, but when you have both, you forget how most people live, your judgement is constantly battered to by the fact that at some level, you're basically hustling deodorant and tampons, you start to hob-knob with fascists, and you begin to realize that hey, Nazis are people too! They have emotions and feelings and they certainly are better-dressed and go to five-star restaurants.
Before long, you're talking about the need to appreciate the humanity and sincerity of our home-grown fascists even as they send
Our Troops to become maimed and killed overseas, and then you're boiling over when the New York Times paints an unflattering picture of Marco Rubio's finances. Which is
fucking asinine and I'm going to tell you why: Because the party that has been attacking 'welfare queens', students, the poor, the middle-class, and destroyed the economy in 2008 with 30 years of Reaganomics still wants to paint itself as so fucking fiscally responsible that if Obama's presidency should have bankrupted the country a billion times over and yet they can't balance their own fucking checkbooks even as they're paid huge sums for a book deal or getting houses with no down payment and you want to defend that? THERE ARE PEOPLE ROTTING IN HELLISH PRISONS FOR CRIMES THEY NEVER COMMITTED, YOU FUCKING BORDERLINE SENILE ASSHOLE WITH YOUR FUCKING STUPID, IDIOTIC MYTH OF SOME BIPARTISAN PARADISE THAT NEVER EXISTED. So, to reiterate, Jon Stewart: Good riddance and go fuck yourself. Will be plenty of time for that in the barn on your so-called ranch. Please, no pictures of you clearing brush with a chainsaw.
dead rodent typing